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Re: (ASCEND) IP Pool leak in 6.1.3


Yes, it seems to be a well-known although not well identified problem...

Have a look at the Reset Equipment set command in the SNMP MIB... Ooops,
still not present ! Well, no way, you have to restart the equipment :-(


Dans son message (In his/her message), Bob Dozier ecrivait (wrote) :
> Has anyone experienced an IP pool leak problem on Maxen
> 4000's and 4048's with 6.1.3? I upgraded to 6.1.3 this AM
> and in less than 6 hours later, there is no IP available from
> the pool when the 2 PRI's have lines available.
>  I have been running 5.0Ap16 for a LONG time
> with very good stability and then WHAM! with 6.1.3.
> Any suggestions? I am limping by with the pool range/count
> set to 80 instead of 48 as before.
> ...Bob
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