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Re: (ASCEND) P-50 dialup into Max 4000

Nope, its never worked....  No IPX anywhere.. Even tried Bridging instead of
routing to no avail.

J-Mag Guthrie wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Tim Connolly wrote:
> >     I have a customer with 4 P-50's dialing into 4 different Max 4048s.
> > All four give "c=47 p=66". I have been working with him for the past few
> > days without success. What would cause the above cause code each and
> > every time ? I even scratched my own p-50 and used the Java Configurator
> > with the same result. Any ideas ? He is using dynamic IP, although I
> > tried giving him a static IP with the same results. The max is a 4004 w
> > 5.0Ap51 but I also tried a 4048 w/7.0b to no avail. Help...
> No answers, only questions.  Has it ever worked?  If not, then make sure
> he's not trying to route IPX instead of IP or somesuch as that's the kind
> of thing that gives c=47 on Win boxen. AAMOF, the only time I see this on
> Win95 boxen is when they forgot to install the TCP/IP protocol.  Gives
> them a start when I pick up the call from hold and say, "This is J-Mag,
> click on My Computer/Control Panel...".

-- Tim Connolly     MountainNet, Inc.
-- (304) 594-9075 ext. 37            2816 Cranberry Square
-- fax (304) 594-9088                Morgantown, WV 26505

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