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(ASCEND) NFAS examples?

Could I get a configuration example of NFAS?

I've read through the FAQs, been listening to the conversation in the
mailing list and have searched through the printed documentation and I think
I have a good start on setting up NFAS to work for my configuration, but
since I've never done this before I would like a sanity check on what I am
attempting to do.  An example of NFAS in the FAQs would have been helpful
instead of just one PRI and how to set it up. (hint)

A little background:

My system is a MAXTNT with:
 2 8-portT1 cards.
 1 (4 10bt)Ethernet/(1 100bt)FastEthernet card
 5 48-port 56K modem cards

I've orded 11 PRI's, two with D-channels (the first and the last for primary
and backup).
Very soon my PRIs will be hooked up and turned on, so I am studying the
configuration of the PRIs to prepare for this.
Here is what I have gathered about how I need these configured and what I
have come up with based on what I've been reading.

I only have 240 modems ( 5 x 48 port cards = 240 modems ), so 22 channels of
one PRI are not used.

My allocation of the interfaces on the two 8-port t1 cards:
Slot 1:
T1 { 1 1 1 }    1-23 B
                  24 D (primary D)
T1 { 1 1 2 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 3 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 4 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 5 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 6 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 7 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 1 8 }    1-24 B
Slot 2:
T1 { 1 2 1 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 2 2 }    1-24 B
T1 { 1 2 3 }       1 B
                2-23 unused
                  24 D (secondary/backup D)

This comes out to be 240 B channels, 2 D-channels (primary/backup) and 22

This is my primary D-Channel on T1 { { 1 1 1 } 24 }

[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 }:line-interface:channel-config[24]]
channel-usage = nfas-primary-d-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 1

T1  { 1 1 2 } thru  T1 { 1 2 2 } are basically default.. all 24 channels
used for calls.

T1  { 1 2 3 } channel 2 thru 23 are similar to this:

[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 }:line-interface:channel-config[2]]
channel-usage = unused-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 1

This is my secondary (backup?) D-channel on T1 { { 1 2 3 } 24 }

[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 }:line-interface:channel-config[24]]
channel-usage = nfas-secondary-d-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 1

My questions are:

Any suggestions on the design, does it sound sane?
Does using NFAS affect the "trunk-group" settings?  If so, how?
What settings do I need for nfas-group-id and nfas-id to do what I need?
I will have only one phone number for the entire modempool, do I need this
number in all of the "phone-number" settings so that each channel will be
able to answer this line?
The "secondary" D channel is the "backup" D channel correct?  I've heard it
both ways and just want clarification.  My understanding is that the backup
D is not used unless the primary D goes down?
Do I need to specify any call-routing options?

Michael Johnson

Network Specialist - Telecommunications - University of Oklahoma
phone: 405.325.6290  fax: 405.325.7483  h323:  email:

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