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(ASCEND) Portable Remote Addr on Pipelines

In an environment with many remote P75's calling in to a small
number of Max's (currently one, but soon to be more) - I am
trying to have as little hardcoded into the remote configurations
as possible.  Currently I'm battling with the remote address
parameter.  I would like to be able to a) change the IP addresses
of our Max without changing the Remote Address parameter on
the remote Pipelines b) callin to multiple Max's (again without
the need to change the Pipelines Remote Address parameter).

With 4.6C it was possible to use the remote address on a
P75 to accomplish what I want.  I'm not quite sure why this works
but it appears to.  This doesn't work with 5.X however.

Can anyone suggest the correct magic to do what I want?  Any and
all suggestions would be appreciated.


