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Re: (ASCEND) Token Ring and Pipe 75?

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Glenn Howard wrote:

> We have a potential customer who has approached us to hook up a Pipeline
> 75 into their token-ring network to allow internet access to these
> computers.  Now, I haven't been doing networking THAT long and am not at
> all familiar with token ring networks.  Is this doable? How?  Are you
> all laughing at me?

I had a customer who needed this done as well.  My solution was fairly
ugly, but it works very well.  We took an NT machine on his network and
put both a token-ring card and an eithernet card in it.  We then used this
machine as a router.  I did this for another customer but it made more
sense in his case since he was running a firewall.  We simply put an
ethernet card in his firewall and connected it to the Pipeline.  Since his
whole network was token ring, the firewall already had a token ring card.

Of course, in either of these topologies you would have a typcial 2 host
network ( going between the Pipeline and the Firewall...
Has anyone implemented any better solution?  You know how it is... There's
nothing more permanent than a temporary solution that works...


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