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CF: Location of eutl.

>  Could someone who has ftp'd the eutl libraries give me
>  a site and directory to get it from. I can't seem to find
>  it on or any other place.  Archie also throws
>  nothing my way. Thanks in advance.

There is a eutl package in the submissions directory, but this was an older version missing the function  
ArgList_addChar().  After looking around, I found the directory "eric" in the submissions directory.  This had another  
eutl package which was more recent, and seemed to compile. (After several modifications specific to my machine)

My main concern about the installation was with compiling the cfclient program.  In arglist.h, struct ArgList is defined.   
But this is also defined in /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h on my machine (i.e. in one of the system X11 files).  I'm not sure  
how to resolve this.  To get it to compile, I commented out the struct ArgList in the system file, but I am not sure this  
won't mess up other things.
