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Re: From c to c++ (fwd)

>  * first task is to get a base on c++, meaning the code can
>    be compiled with c++-complier. It's quite straightforward
>    work thanks to ansi-c. And then get development package out.

The lab where this would be worked on supports cc and gcc. We've got 
Solaris, SunOS, and MIPS Ultrix. Our personal feelings is to write neat, 
portable code. I don't believe that the transition is going to be so 
terribly difficult (luckily).

>  * the set of c++ features should be decided, most complilers
>    provides templates, but exception handling is still uncomplete
>    in many compilers eg. g++-2.7.2 and what libraries to use;
>    STL is nice and available with libg++, but how other development
>    environments. 

Most likely we would be working with g++. It is unfortunate that 
everything isn't completely settled about c++ but then again that is one 
of the issues the class would address.

>  * instead of full rewriting (unless you feel you have unlimited amount
>    of energy :) I suggest increamental modification, for example
>    considering the object/monster structure and using still same
>    user interface.
> <A HREF=""></A>

No, this would not be a total rewrite. There's a lot of working code in 
there. The general layout for the course would involve:

1) abstract into a loose object system
2) discuss the static portions of each system
3) document the existing systems (as objects)
4) explore the ineffeciencies of the current code and how to improve it.

This would be used a pivoting point for many design issues. It would allow 
students an experience in porting existing code and having to discuss 
general 'plans of attack' (with respect to project management, etc.)

The amount of work which is done really depends on the amount of interest 
generated. The more people who enivitably sign up for the class directly 
corresponds to the number of areas which are worked on intently.

Please feel free to give me any more insight. If this were to develop 
into a larger rewrite, it would be advantageous to speak up.
