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cut and paste (was Re: Mist thoughts (long))

Mark Wedel <> wrote:
> [quote from Stephen Wray <>]
> > Something which is sorely missing is CUT AND PASTE in the message
> > window.
> >
> > This is such an obvious deficiency, there must be a *really* good reason
> > why it hasn't been done already.
>  The reason it isn't in place is because it isn't something that is really
>  easy to do.
>  This truly is an issue that should wait for client server with like an Xt or
> other interface that provides all of those functions without special coding.

Right.  I am familiar with the AsciiText widget, and I know that it would
require less than 100 lines of codes to handle cut and paste correctly, as
well as proper scrolling (with a customizable number of saved lines) and
sharing the cut buffer with other applications.

Well, if someone ever manages to separate the client from the server (i.e.
no common dependencies), then I could volunteer for re-writing the message
output part using the standard Athena widgets (Xaw).  As well as the sound
code, of course.  But it looks like this won't be done tomorrow...
