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Re: More on classes/skills/races/etc. (long)

 While re-training should be time consuming, the problem is how to deal
with this in crossfire.

 In AD&D, you could say the character ages 4 years or whatever (and if part`
of a party, either the rest of the party waits a like amount of time and
ages that much, or they go adventuring without himm.)

 I can't really think of a good way to do this in crossfire.  If it takes
a certain amount of real time, the player just starts the process, goes
grab lunch, let it do it overnight, or so on.  If it is mundane in that
fashion, it doesn't add anything to the game.

 However, at the same time, if all it takes is to go to a guild and plunk
down 5000 (or whatever amount) of gp, you pretty quickly have high level
characters learning everything in sight (if they think it is worth it.)

 The idea of gaining exp in different skills is nice.  The problem you will
always have is people using this to their best advantage (casting those
cleric spells to get exp (there are not many offensive cleric spells out
there that will kill monsters.))  Getting experience with mage spells is
pretty easy.  Hand to hand can be more difficult, but you can pretty easily
abuse that one by weakening the monster with spells, and moving into the kill
with your sword.

 And this doesn't even address the problem of party in experience.  Right
now, it gets split between everyone in the party.  How do you work it with

 However, going to a skill based system (with perhaps different races having
different propensity toward different skills) is certainly going to be 
better than the present system.

 As for code seperation:  In general, all the X11 code is in the common/xutil.c
and server/xio.c files.
