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Re: improvement scrolls

On Oct 24,  9:32am, Baerrach bonDierne wrote:

> There is another cool cheat involving magic.
> You bind your keys to invoke <spell> instead of cast <spell>.
> You then set your range to nothing. Now when you press a key you
> automatically cast a spell, nothing new. BUT if you keep casting your
> spell points suddenly go negative. Instant infinite spell points.

 This bug has already been fixed for the next version.

> Mind you I used to use this cheat, but with 30 Int and 2 rings of high
> magic you have more than enough spell points to do what you want.
> As an aside go up to the toughest monster in the game and cast
> transferrence at it and watch it explode :)

 That has been disabled for quite some time now - it will still create a large
fireball, but you will also likely be in the area.  It won't kill the monster,

> Barrie
> --
>                      T  U  M  B  L  E  P  O  P
>-- End of excerpt from Baerrach bonDierne
