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CF: Problem with

I've encountered some problems while trying to build archetypes:  The script fails to scan the arch tree.

My platform is Linux 2.0.35 with Slackware 3.5 distribution.
The perl in the dist is "version 5.004_04 built for i586-linux".

I have next-to-nothing knowledge of perl but I managed to kludge it to
work with following patch.  (Uses 'echo' instead of perls own system...)

---     Sat Aug  1 10:23:59 1998
+++  Mon Aug 10 12:15:58 1998
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 sub traverse {
     local($dir) = shift;
-    foreach $file (<$dir/*>) {
+    local($string) = readpipe "echo $dir/*";
+    foreach $file (split(' ',$string)) {
        $name = &basename($file,""); # DIR
         if( -d $file && $name ne "dev" && $name ne "trashbin") {

I would appreciate a more elegant solution.

	- Riba

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