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Re: CF: Idea for implementing random maps
While I agree that generating random maps should require only minor
changes to the server, I wouldn't suggest using a piped command to
read a particular map. That prevents a random map generator from
generates a family of maps which have some interdependencies. It
also creates difficulties in preventing the map generation from
slowing up the CF server for other players.
I think a scheme that CF attempts to load a random map that it first
check if the map is present and if not then tell map generator which
map is desired. Thus, map generator could make that map and whatever
related maps. And meanwhile CF server can continue play for other
users while the user needing the random map can be forced to wait
until the new random map file finally appears.
And the map generator could simply be a list of map names and the
command to create that map so map generating could be done by various
scripts and so on.