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Re: CF: FBBB v1.01 is now up

> - black (or brown???) puddings (acid)
> - grimreapers (draining --- kill them with magic bullets)
> Don't let these monsters touch you, ever! Grimreapsers are no problem
> once you have a ring of Life; acid stuff is more dangerous since you
> have to be both immune and protected acid to protect your equipment.
> No newbie item grants immune acid.

I do not think a newbie guide should include stuff like the above.
A newbie guide should include all that which a resident of the world
would know, but a player might not know.  It should not include info
which is learned only by significant adventuring.  It is reasonable to
assume that newbie adventuring info is common knowledge and hence belongs
as part of the guide.

Also, it makes sense if the guide was incorporated into the game
as a series of conversations at Goth's bar or something similar.
Maybe each drink you buy some guy gets you another newbie hint.


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