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Re: CF: Feature Request: Pray Until Forgiven?
On Dec 9, 3:36am, James Cameron wrote:
> Then again, I once held down my "pray" key binding and ended up with a
> Spear of Jehovah +2 (slay undead,demon) ... but the odd thing was that I
> couldn't hurt a fly with it! Couldn't even get through earthwalls
> without taking it off and using my fists. It seems it got so blessed as
> to be useless. So heavenly minded that it's no earthly use. ;-) I've
> still got it in my sack in case the attributes are useful for diagnosis.
One of those little problems - you can pray indefinately until something
happens. There probably needs to be some way of when a player last prayed over
the altar, and not allow anything more to happen until so much time passes.
This probably makes more sense when time is added to the game (ie, days/months
in the crossfire universe).
> arch spear
> title of Jehovah
> slaying undead,demon
> exp 4
> attacktype 16384
^^ that is attacktype of FEAR (look for the AT_ in include/define.h. When I
rewrite the object stuff, I will most likely change these values for more human
readable stuff.
Note that in the game, if you examined it, it should state the same thing.
But an attacktype of fear is limited - if you hit something, they might run
away (which can actually be more annoying since you want them to stay there so
you can kill them.) But many monsters are immune to fear, so it becomes
worthless. earthwalls also are not afraid, so it doesn't harm them.
In reality, an item that just hits with fear or confusion or paralysis
probably does not make sense. All weapons should have at least some real force
behind them (physical or weaponmagic).
-- Mark Wedel
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