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Re: CF: What's up with this?

> Now and then, after reading a sign or a book on the floor with the `a'
> action command, all the keys no longer function except the arrow keys.
> If you use, say, the CTRL key for running or the `SHIFT' key for fire,
> it acts as if that key wasn't bound to anything.  It's really annoying
> when you can't use the apostrophe ' thing to enter commands too :-)
 I am also experiencing this at random times while using the GTK client.
 I simply have to quit the client and come back in... but this means
 that I first have to run to a bed and sometimes not having your
 keybindings can make that challenging.
 I've also noticed that the GTK client puts little white boxes with a "?"
 in them when it doesn't have the image it needs.  I'm on the localhost
 with the server -- it doesn't seem like this should be the case (and it
 wasn't always the case).  The usual unix stuff applies -- sufficient ram,
 no cpu load, no net load, etc. 
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