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Re: [TCLUG:5025] MP3 Player, TClug projects, Motherboard
> I am building an MP3 player for my car. I was wondering if anyone else has done
> this around the cities. i'd like to see their implementation.
Well, the one MP3 player implementation I've seen was in a van where the
owner had some bench seats in the back. He put a regular computer case
under one of these benches and used a power inverter (?) to change the
van's DC power into 110V AC. It was controlled by a keyboard and
green-screen monitor sitting between the driver and passenger seats..
.------ ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- -- - - - - -
| Mike Hicks | Linux User Since: 1.2.13
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` icq:6883760 | Current Kernel: 2.2.1