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Re: [TCLUG:9416] MediaOne Roadrunner and Linux

>I am limited by it in ways - such as the ability to use cdrecord (I have an
>ATAPI burner).  Also, StarOffice and other products are only supported under
>emulation.  Nobody makes native software for FreeBSD.  
        how difficult is it to port software to *BSD? I suppose in many
cases it's a bit more than simply recompiling it; but Open Source at least
gives you that option.

>NFS under FreeBSD
>stinks - although - after my install using Slackware and NFS - I don't think
>it is much better under Linux - Coda might be.  Threading support under
>FreeBSD stinks - which really kills MySQL.
        I've heard of people complaining about NFS under Linux; I hear 2.3
is getting better at it, tho. 
        NFS works just fine for me; but i only have one NFS mount on my
network. it's about 100 times more reliable than the SMB mount I have to
deal with. :)
>On the plus side - the FreeBSD ports system is awesome!!!
        what exactly is the ports system?
        I noticed that there's a nearly-current release of Enlightenment for
OpenBSD; is that part of the ports system?

        I really want to learn more about OpenBSD; it looks pretty
interesting, but I haven't had time to do anything with it.

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator	307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA		Buffalo, MN	(612) 682-1091