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Re: [TCLUG:15425] Laptops that run Win98 and Linux

Troy Johnson writes:
> Dear *LUG People,
> I need to buy some laptops that will be running Win98 initially, but
> should (IMO) be running Linux eventually. With those things in mind, are
> there any suggestions?
> Troy

I would find a company that ships both Linux and Windoze, pick one
of the configurations that comes with Linux pre-installed, and then
order the identical configuration with Windoze installed.  You'll
be getting the laptop with Windoze initially, but you'll know it
will work with Linux.  If you don't do this, or otherwise verify
that all the components work with Linux, you might get stuck with
some component that isn't supported on Linux.

Dell would be a possibility, and probably others.  Dell claims they
ship Linux on Notebooks:
It's *very* hard to navigate to find the Linux configurations, though.
It borders on impossible.  You might have to call.

John Hesterberg			email:
Technical Lead, HPC Linux	phone:	651-683-5879