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Re: [TCLUG:15357] automount + yp == trouble

> odd.. maybe suse is messed up.. ypcat auto.home works properly, and does

ypcat auto.home works fine.

> ps aux | grep auto
> return anything?

sevengill /# ps -agux | grep autom
root      8269  0.0  0.6  1228  400 pts/0    S    16:59   0:00 grep autom

I started out setting everything up like I do on my standard solaris
install... it didn't work, so I started asking questions. I've changed
a few things, but things have basically gotten worse instead of better
(at first, automountd was starting, with file auto_home, but not yp).

I'm asking the same question on the SuSE list and hoping that if this
is a SuSe-specific problem, that will become obvious.

If you have any more ideas, I'd sure like to hear them.

Lynette Bellini
Systems Administrator
University of Minnesota