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Re: [TCLUG:16719] The NVidia license
I'm going to let other folks hammer on the other points, and I might
say something to them when the furor dies down.
here's the one I want to comment on:
>Resource requirements -->
>Sure, Linux only "requires" 8MB of memory, but if you're going to be
>running X, you'll want at least 128MB. The same can be said of
>Windows 2000. 128, at least.
>Result: Tie, unless you only run Linux in CLI mode.
I severely beg to differ on this one. yes, X is bloated and slow;
but the window manager and desktop environment make just as much difference.
I run FVWM2 on my Cyrix166/48MB at home, and rarely touch swap.
I've run AfterStep on a 486/66 w/44MB, and rarely touched swap.
I've run WM2 on a 486/100 w/ 24MB, and rarely touched swap.
I've run KDE/KWM on a P75/24MB, and it did the worst thrashing I've ever
seen a computer do. (on the same machine, NT4sp1 was nice and snappy, tho I
never actually ran any apps on it.)
I put KDE/KWM on my parents' K6-2/450 w/64MB, and it doesn't hit swap much.
I tried Gnome/E on my Cyrix166/48MB, and it hit swap pretty regularly.
so yes, Linux can be almost as bad as NT if you run a bloated wm.
Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator 307 Brighton Ave.
Minnesota DHIA Buffalo, MN (763) 682-1091