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Re: [TCLUG:18492] AMD vs. Intel

> No, the KX133 and the Apollo Pro133A are _not_ motherboards -
> they're they name of the north-south bridge combination.  The
> north bridge is commonly called the same name as the chipset,
> but it's really not.  The 686A south bridge does indeed handle
> the ATA 33/66 communication, and it is fully supported under
> Windows 2000.  The problems with PIO on the WD drives was a
> WD problem, not a chipset problem, I believe.

Well - the Win9x drivers from VIA handle the drive just fine - but the
Win2000 drivers do not - so I think that would make it a VIA driver problem.
I should still be able to shut off UDMA66 ability and set the BIOS
accordingly and get it recognized - but the drivers are even to dumb for
that.  The implementation in FreeBSD 4.0 is the best I have seen.  Last I
looked, the Linux drivers in 2.3.99pre[something or other] did not properly
detect the drive/chipset combination either.  I am not about to monkey with
hdparm to make it work.  Perhaps I might just go and buy another drive and
put the problematic Western Digital in another box - or perhaps I will just
get a better motherboard - one where the company that makes it responds to
enduser support questions.

Tom Veldhouse