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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Thoughts about 'scary stuff'

On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 03:18:10PM -0500, Bob Nolte wrote:
>Sometimes this group sounds like a bunch of religious bigots!
Note that I cout out the rest of your ignorant email.

A. Who the hell are you?
2. What prompted this post? Something specific?
D. Do you read any of the threads?

All I see is people trying get some answers to questions about ALL types of
systems. *nixes, *dozes, and I think I even saw some Mac garbage in the with
the rest of the dribble. This is a discussion list, not an advertisment for
Linux. I always say, if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Maybe you
should use grepmail and scan your mailbox for words like M$, or "shit", or
"winblows". But for god sakes, don't you dare tell people what they should or
shouldn't talk about on a discussion oriented mailing list. All the people in
the group are good about not thread theft (for the most part) and putting OT
in thier subject so people like me who are not interested in reading stuff
about pop machines can skim by them (actually it was snapple I think). If
someone wants to rant about thier favorite distro then fine, if you don't like
it don't fuel the fire by whining about "Oh why MS bash, we should all kneel
before gates the son of our lord!" If someone is particularly peeved about
BIND8 problems they are haveing and want to blow off some steam, fine. If you
want to write about how great linux is, get a job with linux journal, all they
ever do is flag wave, and talk about sucess stories other businesses are
having. Personally I like the tech talk, I like to read that other people are
having problems and find out what the solutions are. If this is a problem to
you, maybe you should start a list.
Ben Lutgens  651-632-6162   |  Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra
Sysadmin / IT Consultant    |  that suddenly flips, pinning you underneath. 
CS Solutions Inc	    |  At night the ice weasels come.
			    |          --Matt Groening "Love is Hell"