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Re: [TCLUG:17404] OT: Another survey to "affect"

Troy Johnson said:
> We are doing OK now, but I think we can do better. Has everyone voted
> (of those who have time, that is)?

Voted, then complained about having to accept a cookie to vote - and the
cookie expiring in 2037/never.  Also, the 'you must allow cookies to vote'
page is reached by a redirect which is implemented in a way that effectively
disables your browser's 'Back' button.

Got a fairly quick response from the appropriate person, who said that he'd
recently taken over from someone else and hadn't caught the eternal cookie
previously, so he fixed it.  The redirect will probably stick around until
they get a chance to rewrite the code from Cold Fusion into something "less

Then he asked if I know anyone of a webmasterish bent with "stong UNIX/perl
skills" and suggested that I have them send a resume.  In case anyone's

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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