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email client -- NT dual boot

My laptop machine at work, which, for business reasons, needs to run
Windows NT, uses LILO to provide a dual boot capability so it can boot
either Linux or NT.  The NT partition uses NTFS, so it was necessary to
create an additional FAT partition to hold files shared by both Linux
and NT.

In searching for a free, full-featured email client able to access the
same local mail folders from both Linux and NT, I was saddened to find
that there are not many good options.  Linux Netscape can read the mail
folders created by NT Netscape, but this capability is not officially
"supported", and the mail folder list looks weird under Linux.  The idea
of a Java email client seemed promising, but the free Java email clients
I found were either missing features or beta quality (or both).  Other
free mail clients had similar issues.

I finally settled, somewhat reluctantly, on using Pine as my email
client under both Linux and NT.  After having used Pine for a while,
I've been pleasantly surprised that I really like it, but I'm still
curious to know if there are other viable options.

Knowledgeable answers to the following two questions would be

1) Is there an easy way to migrate data from Netscape mail folders to
Pine mail folders?

2) Is Pine really the only free, supported, production quality email
client capable of accessing the same local mail folders under both Linux
and NT?

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