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Re: [TCLUG:17708] X not allowing local connections?

Quoting Jon Schewe (
> Lately I've been noticing that if I leave X up a week or so after a while X
> 'forgets' who has permission to connect to the server.  By default the DISPLAY
> variable is set to :0.0.  But I can't connect with my display set to that, or
> localhost:0.0, I have to use eggplant:0.0.  This means that none of my root
> menus work and I have to set the display in an xterm then start apps from
> there, or logout.  Has anyone else seen this and have suggestions?

Got one box that does this, an upgrade to the lastest X stuff (not 4.0) did
NOT fix it. 

Sorry it does not help your problem, just some more info on what may not help
it. :-)

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (952)943-8700                 | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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