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Re: [TCLUG:17715] Aliasing

We have a mixture of AIX, Linux, and Solaris boxes, here -
as such, most of the time I'm using ksh (sigh), but I've compiled
bash on a lot of them.  I want the trick to work in ksh, too.  :)

Nick Reinking, on 05/16/2000 12:30:38 PM
To: @ PMDF
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:17715] Aliasing said:
> That doesn't work - you have to alias a command, not
> just text.  :)

No, you can alias something to any text you want, it just normally gets
ignored unless the alias matches the first word on the command line.  bash,
however, has the space-at-the-end-of-another-alias trick, allowing you to do:

alias ps='ps '
alias z='aux'
ps z
<system responds with ps aux output>

It _does_ work - I've done this example on two different systems. 
Unfortunately, both of them only have bash and csh installed and I know
nothing about csh, so I can't verify that it works in anything other than

(Say, Nick - since aliasing is a shell function, what shell are you using,

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