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RE: [TCLUG:17767] Open Source Article

At 01:46 PM 5/17/00 -0500, you wrote:
>> But you know, I've never gotten a call from anybody offering me $$$ to
>> support my products.  
>	To be fair, does anybody know that you would sell your services?  If
>nobody knows, it should logically follow that no one has called you.

The obvious:
Super Valu Knows.  Nick has sold his services to Super Valu.

Added point:  I may not be making money through OSS use, and our IT
department may regularly bad mouth it, but the fact is that I'm losing less
money (and may even eventually make money) --to inflation in my
case--because that's always how they get-cha when you're salaried-- by
using it and letting my employer know that I am using it.

George Swan
Collection Development Support Unit	VOICE:	(612) 624-5860
Room 170B, Wilson Library			FAX:	(612) 626-9353
University of Minnesota Libraries
309 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455