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SGI indy for sale

I'm sending this to tclug instead of tslug in case anyone is still
interested in getting an indy, but who didn't joint tslug, and a few
people asked if the other offer was closed. Contact info below, please
don't reply to the list, as I'm on digest.

A friend of mine in Madison has an indy for sale for $100. The specs are:

Irix 6.2 installed, and CDs if you want them
64Mb RAM
2.39 Gb system disk
2.17 Gb disk
20" monitor
keyboard & mouse

I'll get a hinv, and send it to anyone who replies to me.

The system has suffered a some bit rot and could use a fresh install of
the OS, and the power supply is a bit ill. In that it powers down or
reboots (I'm unclear which, it's not my machine) periodically. The seller
thinks it's a heat issue, but hasn't bothered to track it down. It doesn't
happen all that often, I'm told.

I will be in Madison this weekend, and could bring it back for anyone, so
if you could pick it up from either the U. or my house in S. Minneapolis,
shipping would be free.

Please don't post replies to the list, I'm on digest, and I'm sure the
others aren't interested. Either e-mail me, or the seller, who's address
or call him at 

Contact either of us ASAP, as I leave for Madison Friday early
afternoon. And we'd have to deal with money pretty darn quick (well, I
could pay, and you could pay me back, or we could make other

I completely trust the seller, and the company which is selling the
machine. However, no warrenty is supplied, of course.

*                                                     *
Karen Swanberg              |                         
Network Admin.              | Error: Sector not found-- 
Dept. of Geology/Geophysics |search behind couch? (Y/N)
206 Pillsbury Hall          |                         
310 Pillsbury Ave. SE       |                         
University of Mn            |  Enter any 11-digit prime
Minneapolis, MN 55455       |     number to continue...
(612) 624-6541              |                         
*                                                     *