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Re: [TCLUG:18144] Passive FTP

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Mike Hicks wrote:

> David Wood wrote:
> > 
> > 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,244,246)
> > 
> > [this is the magical line.  Look at the numbers.
> > is the address to connect to,
> >   244,246 are a pair of octets indicating the port to connect to.
> >   244*256+246=62710.  I telnet localhost 62710 in another terminal,
> >    and get an open connection.  The tranfer phase is prepared.]
> Hmm.. interesting..  I suppose you could do some sort of poor-man's load
> balancing with that (though I've never seen it done)

I wouldnt see why not.  It's just as easy with active ftp, though. :)

I've studied ftp and irc protocol in attempts to understand them for a
homemade internet project I'm helping design for 8bitter microcontrollers
and/or computers. :) The knowledge has been immensely helpful so far.
