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Re: [TCLUG:18186] desperately want to leave outlook...

"Robert P. Goldman" wrote:
> I'd love to give up using outlook for my contacts and calendar.
> Unfortunately, while there seem to be a couple of linux apps that do
> similar things, in KDE and GNOME, I don't know how to salvage my old
> data.  The Linux apps want to import vcard and vcalendar, but Outlook
> wants to export only CSVs (probably no accident...).
> Question --- do any of you know a utility for extracting this kind of
> info?
> I could write my own perl filter, but that seems like a lot of work,
> and I'd like to avoid it, if possible.

If it ends up that you have to write your own filter, you could hack
some stuff out of "addressbook" on, or the attached
("improved") version. Good luck, and let us know what works for you,
