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Re: [TCLUG:18280] XFree86 4.0 RPMs?

Clay Fandre wrote:
> Bob Tanner wrote:
> >
> > Quoting Bob Tanner (
> > > Any XFree86 4.0 RPMs out there?
> > >
> > > I find them.
> > >
> >
> > Ugh. They are part of rawhide. My fault. Sorry.
> Anyone using them? I am, and my xterms are all messed up. When I run
> man, the bold text is the same color as the background. This makes it
> very difficult to read. Anyone else having this problem?

Yeah, the colors got screwed up on my system when I tried X 4.0, I just
used another terminal program like nxterm, aterm, or even
gnome-terminal.  AFAIK, only xterm was broken.

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[ Mike Hicks | | ]