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Re: [TCLUG:18310] Mandrake and eOne

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Lord Xoi wrote:

> I've had an eOne for awhile now, and just got Mandrake 7.  Works fine,
> except I can't access my cdrom, <I get an Input/output error> and I can't
> run X. <I get a blank screen>.

This is very similar to the set of problems I had installing Mandrake 7.
It turned out that even though my CDROM is a standard ATAPI device,
Mandrake can't access it properly (though every other Linux distribution
can). For this reason, the X packages didn't get installed, hence the
problems I had setting up X.

I ended up hosing the Mandrake install, replacing it with slackware. If
you're a beginner, I wouldn't recommend slackware -- go with something
like SuSE, Corel, or (failing those) RedHat (sorry, my biases are showing 
;p ). Or, if you want some help installing a Debian or Slackware system
or somesuch, there's a few of us around that could help you out with that.

I can't say I've had any kind of successful experience any of the times
I've tried Mandrake.

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock