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Re: [TCLUG:18338] openssh upgrade...

> True. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from when I used RH as a newbie. I
> haven't taken the time to learn about the new improvements. Because I am
> extremely happy with Debian. A deficiency? Perhaps, but one I am o.k. with.

I submit that a large majority of linux users who have been working with
linux for 2+ years have switched from the first dist they installed (and
maybe back again). I have my own bad memories from slackware, which
probably don't apply to the current distribution. 

I don't know enough about debian to even do a fair
comparison. But I do know why I use RedHat: because I'm familiar with it,
and because of that it suits my needs. Changing to any other distribution
would involve a cost (in terms of time) that I don't care to pay. 

Honestly, it doesn't take much facility to use *linux* to keep your system
up to date, regardless of whether you use a package system or which. 
You still download anything you don't have local. I do it in small pieces
as updates become available. 

> >Sorry, I'm not gonna label RHAT as evil just because they want to make
> >money promoting linux. And they don't have guys with whips forcing things
> >to happen for deadline. 
> That was more of a joke than anything, sorry if it offended. I just thought it
> was funny. I don't think they wield whips, nerf guns maybe ;-)

That's pretty much how I took it, except that I really don't think Redhat
has their priorities messed up enough that they'd do something so sloppy
as was suggested by the comment. I think redhat is still dedicated to
their original vision, and tries to come up with a consistent
distribution. That said, I'll acknowledge that quality control is variable
across different RPMs, as it is among different elements of any

> >I guess OS wars have to continue in any group, and in this group it's
> >distribution wars. 
> Aye, zeal has always run rampant in *nix-land. And is even more aparent in
> Linux-land. You kknow the old "Emacs Sucks" "ViM Rules" deal. 

One advantage of zeal is that it generates the enthusiasm that makes the
zealots so willing to share what they know and help others. 
