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RE: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:38] Latest Cow 3.0pl1 problem
> Behalf Of Nicolas Blais wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to make a blessed client binary with the latest source
> on FreeBSD. Unfortunately I get the following error after
> configuration. (./configure)
> creating
> creating tools/no_geno_timer
> sed: ./tools/ No such file or directory
> creating tools/geno_timer
> sed: ./tools/ No such file or directory
> creating docs/sample_geno_timer_crontab
> sed: ./docs/ No such file or directory
> creating config.h
These are normal error messages. Relates to the fact that the configure
script is also used for the Vanilla server.
> Then if I try to run make, I get this error:
> make -f KEYDEF=sample_key.def netrek
> "", line 25: Unassociated shell command "rsa_box_3.c
> rsa_box_4.c rsa_box_5.c rsa_box_6.c rsa_box_7.c rsa_box_8.c
> rsa_box_9.c
> rsa_box_10.c"
> "", line 28: Need an operator
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
Lines 25 and 28 of the most likely relate to the RSASRC and
RSAOBJ defintions.
If you look at how configure creates by default, it writes out
RSASRC = # rsa_box.c rsa_box_0.c rsa_box_1.c rsa_box_2.c \
rsa_box_3.c rsa_box_4.c rsa_box_5.c rsa_box_6.c \
rsa_box_7.c rsa_box_8.c rsa_box_9.c rsa_box_10.c
The '#' character is used as a comment. But what I suspect is happening in
your case is that your make program is trying to interpret that second line
as something.
I don't currently have a FreeBSD system available to confirm this. I was
able to compile it on Solaris Version 7 fairly well.
> Are both errors related? How to I make a clean build on FreeBSD 3.1?
> I'm able to compile earlier versions without probs. (But I want the
> latest, whatever the cost).
Check your on those previous versions to see what is different in
the RSASRC and RSAOBJ sections. Are you defining RSA to be on in those
previous builds?