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Newbie Question on keymaps

To Whom IT May Concern,

OK, I'm having trouble with the keymaps.  The trouble is that I cannot get
them to map.

I'm using the COW client on a Win98 machine.  The files in the zip file
(called were unzipped into a directory off the root
called cow (ie c:\cow).  I copied the xtrekrc.sample file to xtrekrc and
made the modifications to the xtrekrc file as stated in the cow.doc and
xtrekrc.sample files.  For example:

keymap:    q1wzeDr4

I even renamed the xtrekrc file to .xtrekrc (though I believe this only
applies to UNIX users).  Am I doing anything wrong, or is this feature not
supported in the Win32 release?  An information would be helpful (and

thanks in advance,


PS: Actually, I was a realitively good player of netrek (with a 2-1 kill
ratio in my favor) in the years 1991 and 1992.  Unfortunately, I graduated!
(No wait a minute, graduating is a good thing!... or was it?). Anyways, I'm
a born again Newbie... I guess.