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Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:112] Fun with CVS

> Is anybody using Win CVS?


> But is there a way to list what modules are available?

Yes - I use v1.04 and you need to connect to the server then use the
following menu command:

CVS Admin \ Macros admin \ List the modules on the server

Hope this helps.

Of course if you're trying to learn CVS then your best creating a
test repositry on your local drive and playing around with all the

If your having trouble finding the help file for WinCVS go to:

Help \ Help Topics \ Index

and type cvsgui then select the "CvsGui : MacCVS and WinCvs" entry.
It explains all (most?) of the menu commands. There's probably
an easier way to get to it but I haven't found it.

Jonathan Paisley