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Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:127] COW (Win32) NetrekRC - Moving the Dash Board

Seeings as I whipped it together with Visual Basic I doubt it can be ported
to anything besides Windows... but I might rewrite it in C if theres
interest and time permits.

It is not finished yet, I'm still working out some things like how window
placement works and working on the key mapping bit... oh and macros.  But I
imagine it will be done by the end of the week... after I ask a few more
annoying questions like...

could someone explain the lines:

buttonmap:      4i6l7I9o
keymap:         q2w2e4r%tTyfQQWwEERRT*aDssddfpgyvfviVInr D

The keymap I think I understand as:    key -> remap    so q is remapped to 2
when its pressed.  I'm not 100% certain about this.
The buttonmap I don't know anything about...
