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Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:127] COW (Win32) NetrekRC - Moving the Dash Board

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999 you wrote:
>Hey Folks,
>Ok so I've almost finished my nifty graphical Netrek RC File utility...
>But I've got ALOT of questions about out dated settings and stuff.

Attached you will find an uptodate sample xtrekrc file for COW, which
I did already for the next release.

>But currently my most annoying problem is that I can't seem to move the dash
>board at all, or the tactical or galactic screens.  I can juggle the message
>windows and player list all over the place easy enough.

Try one off:

#tstat.parent:           netrek
#tstat.geometry:         500x43+0+547
##tstat.geometry:         500x43+501+500  # pre new dash method
#tstat.mapped:           on

>But I don't know for sure and I haven't had a chance to look at the client
>source code yet... so I figured I'd ask and see if anybody out there

On you will find a file XTREKRC which has
all possible settings automatically generated.

Kurt (007)

Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email:       Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017
#  .xtrekrc  #
#  This is the defaults file for netrek.  Layout was taken from
#  jch's file, lots of other stuff from various places.
#  Dave Gosselin
#  Apr 92
#  Changes regularly
# How I found this stuff:
#     doc/patch files that come with the clients
#     greped code (booleanDefault, intDefault, getdefault, mostly)
#     scaned the code (defaults.c, etc)
# Most of these settings apply to Berkricksmoo2.00pl19
# Modified this slightly to make defaults that newbies might like
# better/find more instructive.  Be sure to place this file in your
# home directory and rename it to ".xtrekrc"  - Jeff Nelson	8/11/93
#  Feb 95 Added new features - Kurt Siegl [007]

############ WARNING ############ WARNING ############## WARNING ########
# There seems to be a bug which makes defaults, containing		#
# comments or other garbage (blanks) at the right end INVALID.		#
############ WARNING ############ WARNING ############## WARNING ########

# Aug 99  Cleanup and uptodate settings - Kurt Siegl [007]

name:			guest

# set password to your player name password for autologin
#password:		oggtpau

# this sets the default server and port (and verification scheme)

port:			2592
useRSA:			on

# you can also make nicknames like:
port.bronco:		2592	on		2592


port.picklet-home:      4566

port.picklet-away:	4577


# MetaServer options

metaCache: .metaCache

# a bunch of boolean sets/toggles

# show shields in warning status
warnShields:  		off
# show shields based on damage
varyShields:		on
# Warn hull state based on damage
warnHull:		off

# stay peaceful after death
keeppeace:		on

# really handy to see tractor/pressor
showTractorPressor:     on
# no means visible shuts off in 2 updates
continuetractors:	on

# only works sans window manager 
extraAlertBorder:	on

# I like color
forcemono:		off

# really silly rom bitmaps
# as well as some fed bitmaps 
useTNGBitmaps:		off

# the babes when you bust (kinda sexist but oh well)
babes: 			on

# Good players dont waste space with planet names on the local map
#showplanetnames:	off

# Show the planet owner on galactic as a team letter (a most annoying feature)
showPlanetOwner:	off
#  Extra highlight of independend planets
showIND:		on

# New mucho-mondo dashboard
# 0 - Text dashboard
# 1 - COW style dashboard
# 2 - KRP style dashboard
# 3 - LABs new dashboard
newDashboard:		3

# always show MOTD
showMotd:		on

# I don't like the right justified distress calls
newDistress: 		off

# message logging
logging: 		off 
logfile:                Log_me

# galactic map stuff: 	0 = nothing 1 = ownership 2 = resources
#			3 = MOO bitmaps 4 = rabbit ears
showgalactic:    	2

# local map stuff: 	0 = nothing 1 = ownership 2 = resources
#			3 = MOO bitmaps 4 = rabbit ears
showlocal:		3

# Default updates per second
# updatespersec:          5

# how many updates to keep infowins
keepInfo:		15

# Time to auto-quit
autoquit:		199

# lock:  0 = don't show, 1 = galactic only , 2 = tactical only, 3 = both
showLock:		3

#characters shown for cloaker
#cloakChars:		><

# lagmeter stuff (which I don't use)
netstats:  		off
#netstatfreq:  		5

# tryUdp:  on/off
tryUdp:                 on

# udpClientSend: 0 = TCP only  1 = simple UDP 2 = enforced UDP (state only)
#                3 = enforced UDP (state & weap)
udpClientSend:          3

# udpClientReceive:  0 = TCP only  1 = simple UDP  2 = fat UDP  3 = double UDP
udpClientReceive:       1

# udpSequenceCheck:  on/off
udpSequenceCheck:       on

# udpDebug: 0 = OFF   1 = ON (conect msgs only)  2 = ON (verbose output)
udpDebug:               0

# short packets
tryShort:		on

# PPosition or USPosition (PPosition if you use vtwm)
WMXYHintMode: USPosition

# Ignore Capslock key
ignoreCaps: 		on
# Recover after SEGV and BUS error
ignoreSignals: 		on

# Sound is really cool, but anoing for others.
sounddir:               /usr/games/netrek/sounds
sound:                  off

# Nice Color Graphics
pixmapDir: 		/usr/games/netrek/pixmaps

# Remote command for accessing Web sites
wwwlink:		echo 'netscape -remote "openURL(%s)"'

# my keymap
# q = warp 1,	  w = beam up,   e = det own,  r = pressor, t = tractor
#  a = maxwarp,    s = shield tog, d = torps,	f = tractor, g = plasma 
#   z = 1/2 speed   x = beam down,   c = cloak   v = lock
#		  SPACE == det enemy torps
# Q = repair              E = distress  R = repair
#  A = info                 D = lock     F = army call  
# n = refit (new ship)
# | = quit ( now fastquit - jn )
# / = docking
# W = war window
# everything else is the default (I think)

# turned off keymap, almost certainly this is individual taste
# also | -> fast quit, not normal quit - jn

#keymap:		wweerrTTyyddDDffzzxxccbbOOq2wzeDrytTa%ssdtfTgf dAiDlWw/enrRRz#xxvl|qQROO

#buttonmap: 	1t2p3k

# 007's extended mouse button map alows you to play with the mouse only.

# Mouse Buttons:
# Normal:       torp    phaser  set course
# Shift:        shield  traktor half warp
# CNTRL:        cloak   pressor warp 6
# CTL-Shift:    macro   info    lock

continuousMouse: off
shiftedMouse:   on

# Using virtual keys for ship independend macro overlays.

buttonmap:      1^A2^B3^C4^D5^E6^F7^G8^H9^Ia^Jb^Kc^L
ckeymap:      ^At^Bp^Ck^Du^ET^F#^Gc^Hy^I6^JX^Ki^Ll
keymap:         afsDddzzxxccv%nrmm dXX0%-R++\-??wwiiIIKKOOSSVVBBUUDDee

# Special combat speed keys dependend on ship types
ckeymap-sc:	^F5^I%
ckeymap-dd:	^F5^I7
ckeymap-ca:	^F4^I7
ckeymap-bb:	^F3^I6
ckeymap-as:	^F4^I%
ckeymap-sb:	^F%^ID

# Well I was playing around with them at one time....

color.white:		white		black		red		green
color.yellow:		yellow
color.cyan:		cyan
color.light grey:	lightgrey

# Use different colors for the Races
color.Ind:              light grey
color.Fed:              yellow
color.Rom:              magenta
color.Kli:              green2
color.Ori:              light steel blue

# From Helix's .xtrekrc
# Standard, except red is hard to see on some monitors
#color.white:           white
#color.white:            grey90           black            grey35              #FFB4FF            green
#color.yellow:           yellow
#color.cyan:             cyan
#color.light grey:       light grey

#  Fonts
#  I've gone through many iterations of this as you can see...
#  Currently I'm only setting bigfont since the berkmoo defaults seem ok

bigfont:                lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24

#     Using real italic fonts (bigger...)
#font:                   -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-*
#boldfont:               -schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-*
#italicfont:             -schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal--12-120-75-75-c-60-*

#font:           6x10
#boldfont:       -schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:     -schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal--12-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1

#  My old defaults
#font: 			6x10
#font:                  -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:    		-*-clean-medium-r-normal--6-60-75-75-c-60-*
#italicfont:		6x10i
#boldfont:		-*-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-*

#  A new idea
#font: 			-*-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-*
#italicfont:    		6x10
#boldfont:		6x10

# fonts from Helix's .xtrekrc
# Give same size fonts with boldface, italics for small font using client
# I have checked out all the fonts that are reasonable--pick the one you like
#font:           -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#boldfont:       -schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:     -schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal--12-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#font:          6x10
#font:          -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#boldfont:      -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:    -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:    -adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:    -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1
#bigfont:       lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24
#smallfont:              5x8
#smallboldfont:          lucidasanstypewriter-bold-8
#smitalicfont:           lucidasanstypewriter-8

# 007's fonts using an underline font for oponents (kewl for B&W)

#font:           6x10
#boldfont:       -schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
#italicfont:     6x10i
#bigfont:        lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24
tts_font:       -*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

#  Window placement
#  Since changing fonts causes changes to the window sizes
#  this section has gone through many revisions as well
#  The next iteration of all this using the new dashboard....

# I don't usually want to see the MOTD until I'm in

#WaitMotd.mapped: off

# To encourage motd reading I'll activate this - jn
WaitMotd.mapped: on

# start of gosellin's geometry, cool in some ways but mapping
# various windows onto root has it's uses.  I've commented
# this out and replaced it with more standard mappings. - jn

## The main window -- only map it when there's no wait queue
##netrek.geometry:       1150x875+0    # the maximal window for my sparc 2
##netrek.geometry:        1002x795+145+79 # using old fonts
#netrek.geometry:        1002x836+147+40
netrek.geometry:         1002x760
netrek.mapped:          off
war.geometry:           +800
help.parent:            netrek
help.geometry:          +0+547
planet.parent:          netrek
planet.geometry:        +20

## Ok, on the left side we have a column of six windows; message,
## warning, new dash (ie tstats), my messages, team messages, all
## messages. I have the total messages maped to cover this whole area
## so by using ? you can toggle between seeing the broken up messages
## or the total window. The stats window has been removed in favor of
## the new dashboard.
message.parent:         netrek
message.geometry:       496x20+502+500
message.mapped:         on
warn.parent:            netrek
warn.geometry:          496x23+502+523
warn.mapped:            on
#tstat.parent:           netrek
#tstat.geometry:         500x43+0+547
##tstat.geometry:         500x43+501+500  # pre new dash method
#tstat.mapped:           on
review_your.parent:     netrek
#review_your.geometry:   81x5+0+591	# message below new dashboard...
review_your.geometry:   81x4+0+547
review_your.mapped:     on
review_team.parent:     netrek
#review_team.geometry:   81x9+0+652
review_team.geometry:   81x5+0+599
##review_team.geometry:   81x5+0+609 # smaller team window
##review_team.geometry:   81x5+0+617 # big fonts
review_team.mapped:     on
review_all.parent:      netrek
review_all.geometry:    81x4+0+662
#review_all.geometry:    81x7+0+754
##review_all.geometry:    81x5+0+690  # big fonts
review_all.mapped:      on
## With this setup, you can use "?" to cycle between the big review window, the
## four small message windows, and no windows at all.
review.parent:                netrek
review.geometry:      81x20+0+547
review.mapped:		off
## On the right side we have the phaser window, player list, kill messages
## phaser window
## dunno if the following line is really needed or not....
#phaserWindow:		on
## 0 = don't show    1 = show on kill window   2 = show on phaser window
## 3 = show on total review window only
#showPhaser:   		2
#review_phaser.mapped:   on
#review_phaser.parent:   netrek
#review_phaser.geometry: 81x3+501+500
## review_phaser.geometry: 81x4+501+543 # pre-newdash

# Player list layout
player.parent:          netrek
#player.geometry:        +502+530
player.geometry:        +502+550
##player.geometry:        +502+595
player.mapped:          on

# And style settings

# 0 - Custom player list
# 1 - Old Player List
# 2 - COW Player List
# 3 - Kill Watch Player List
# 4 - BRMH Player List
playerListStyle: 2

# Sort acording race
sortPlayers:	   	on
# My team is on top
sortMyTeamFirst:	on

# Partition Playerlist with blank line?
partitionPlist:		off

# Custom Playerlist settings

#Spc  Let   Name                 Header
#---  ---   -------------------- -------------------
#  3  'n'   Ship Number          " No"
#  3  'T'   Ship Type            " Ty"
# 11  'R'   Rank                 " Rank      "
# 17  'N'   Name                 " Name            "
#  6  'K'   Kills                " Kills"
# 17  'l'   Login Name           " Login           "
#  6  'O'   Offense              " Offse"
#  6  'W'   Wins                 "  Wins"
#  6  'D'   Defense              " Defse"
#  6  'L'   Losses               "  Loss"
#  6  'S'   Total Rating (stats) " Stats"
#  6  'r'   Ratio                " Ratio"
#  8  'd'   Damage Inflicted(DI) "      DI"
#  1  ' '   White Space          " "

#  6  'B'   Bombing              " Bmbng"
#  6  'b'   Armies Bombed        " Bmbed"
#  6  'P'   Planets              " Plnts"
#  6  'p'   Planets Taken        " Plnts"
# 17  'M'   Display/Host Machine " Host Machine    "
#  7  'H'   Hours Played         " Hours "
#  6  'k'   Max Kills            " Max K"
#  6  'V'   Kills per Hour       "   KPH"
#  6  'v'   Deaths per Hour      "   DPH"

playerlist:     nKTNlSrVdR

reportkills:            on
review_kill.parent:          netrek
#review_kill.geometry:        81x6+501+768
review_kill.geometry:   81x4+0+714
review_kill.mapped:          on

# start of new window mappings - jn
#netrek.geometry:        +0+0
#war.geometry:           +800
#rank.parent:            root
#rank.geometry:          89x30
#review_all.mapped:      on
#review_all.geometry:    80x26+554+624
#review_your.parent:     review_all
#review_your.geometry:   80x6+0+0
#review_your.mapped:     on
#review_team.parent:     review_all
#review_team.geometry:   80x5+0+78
#review_team.mapped:     on
#review_kill.parent:     review_all
#review_kill.geometry:   80x4+0+143
#review_kill.mapped:     on
#help.geometry:          150x21
#player.geometry:        95x24+2+624
#player.mapped:          on

## a couple of other window mappings
# Some UDP stuff
udp.geometry:        +0+0
udp.mapped:          off

# I'm planning on using the new dash instead
showstats:              off 
stats.parent:           netrek
#stats.geometry:         160x108+332+500      # old font stuff
#stats.geometry:         160x108+332+550      # puts the stats window further down
#stats.geometry:         160x108+332+547
stats.geometry:         160x94+842+500

# from: (Jack W. Judy)
# Heh! This makes it almost impossible to screw-up and *accidently* choose
# the *wrong* team!  Got this idea from an old post.

#fed - Fed selection window
fed.parent:		local
fed.geometry:		75x75+0+424

#rom - Romulan selection window
rom.parent:		local
rom.geometry:		75x75+0+0

#kli - Klingon selection window
kli.parent:		local
kli.geometry:		75x75+425+0

#ori - Orion selection window
ori.parent:		local
ori.geometry:		75x75+424+424

quit.parent:		local
quit.geometry:		100x100+200+0

# from Helix's .xtrekrc
# The team selection windows, put in their logical places
# on the GALACTIC map!
#fed.geometry:   +0+400
#rom.geometry:   +0+0
#kli.geometry:   +400+0
#ori.geometry:   +400+400
#quit.geometry:  +200+400
#rom.parent:     map
#kli.parent:     map
#fed.parent:     map
#ori.parent:     map
#quit.parent:    map

# Macros and distress calls

# Place all important macros and distess calls onto the mouse.
# Requires 007's extended mouse button map.

# Mouse Buttons:
# Normal:       pop       control    pickup
# Shift:        bombing   escorting  ogging
# CNTRL:        defend me ack player ogg
# CTL-Shift:    distress  takeing    carring

dist.^A.pop:             %T%c->%O  %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}!
dist.bomb:      %T%c: %?%n>4%{bomb %l @ %n%!BOMB%}
dist.^B.save_planet:     %T%c->%O Emergency at %L!!!!
dist.space_control:     %T%c: Danger Help Control at %l
dist.^C.pickup:        WATCH %u: %t%p++ @ %l

dist.^D.bombing: %T%c: Bombing %l @ %n
dist.^E.escorting:       %T%c: Escorting %p
dist.^F.ogging:  %T%c: Ogging %p

mac.^G.%u:       defend %c
mac.^H.%u:       ACK
dist.^I.ogg:        OGG %u (%t%p) near >%l<

dist.^    %i (%S %T%c@%b): %?%S=SB%{SB%!%} Help!  %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel  %E%{ETEMPED!!! %}%W%{WTEMPED!!!  %}%?%a>0%{%a armies!!%!%}
dist.^K.taking:        %i (%S %T%c@%b): need ESCORT going to >%l%?%n>0%{@%n%}<%?%a>0%{, carrying %a armies!%}
dist.^L.carrying:        %i (%S %T%c@%b) has %a armies on board!

#      Macro stuff
#  Mostly so I will know how to play around with them if I ever
#  decide to...
#macro.x.X:      <text here>
#x is any ascii character; it is the "name" of the macro (the key you press
#in macro mode to send the associated macro)
#X can be A,T,F,R,K,O where A=all, T=team, F=fed, R=rom, K=kli, O=ori
#(determines the message board to which the text body of the macro is sent)
# These are the "standard" macro things (ie mostly compiled in)

macro.b.T: BOMB!!!!  Using an AS!
macro.s.T: We need a sc bomber.
macro.g.T: Going sc bombing.

#  These are the "NEWMACRO" type macros
#  Definitions:
#     %a      armies I am carrying
#     %d      my damage percentage
#     %s      my shield percentage
#     %f      my fuel percentage
#     %w      my wtemp percentage
#     %e      my etemp percentage
#     %p      id character of player nearest mouse
#     %l      three character name of planet nearest mouse
#     %t      team id character of planet/player nearest mouse
#     %T      team id character of my team
#     %c      my id character
#     %n      armies on planet nearest mouse
#     %E      1 if etemped, 0 if not
#     %W      1 if wtemped, 0 if not
#     %S      my two character ship type

# normalish macro

mac.F.T:         Help!  Carrying %a!!

# extra keystroke macro
#  need to do something like: XfT (send to team)

mac.f:           Help!  Carrying %a!!

# multiline (won't work without destination)

mac.C.A:   +-- +-+ +   +     Client     simply
mac.C.A:   |   | | |   |      Of         the
mac.C.A:   +-- +-+  \^/        Win        best.

mac.D.A:        D
mac.D.A:        O
mac.D.A:        O
mac.D.A:        S
mac.D.A:        H

mac.7.A: |     _/_/    _/_/   _/_/_/        With the
mac.7.A: |   _/  _/  _/  _/     _/             licence
mac.7.A: |  _/  _/  _/  _/    _/                 to doosh.
mac.7.A: |  _/_/    _/_/    _/                    ________/

#  These are the "SMARTMACRO" type macros
#  Test Definitions:
#     %?      introduces a test
#     =       equivalence
#     >       greater
#     <       less
# "Syntax"
# (1/0)%{ true %! false %}
# ^^^^^ Test part (if whatever is here evaluates to 1 you get true
#                                                   0 you get false)

# simple examples

mac.R.A:        I'm a %?%S=SB%{star base!%!twink!%}
#mac.b.T:        %?%n>4%{bomb %Gl at %n%!bomb%}
mac.e.T:        need escort going to %l%?%a>0%{, carrying %a armies!%}

# complex examples

mac.d.T:        %E%{%!%W%{%!I'm fine.  How are you?  %}%}%E%{ETEMPED!!!  %}%W%{WTEMPED!!!  %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%}
mac.a.T:        %E%{ETEMPED!!!  %}%W%{WTEMPED!!!  %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%}

# New new macros?
# %m      the last message you sent
# %i      my full player name (16 character max)
# %u      full name of player nearest mouse (16 character max)
# %z      3 letter team id of player/planet nearest mouse
# %L      three character name of planet nearest mouse
# %M      the last message you sent
# %I      my full player name (16 character max)
# %U      full name of player nearest mouse (16 character max)
# %Z      3 letter team id of player/planet nearest mouse

#useful for INL...
mac.C.%i:       CAPTAIN
mac.N.%i:       NEWGALAXY
mac.S.%i:       START
mac.T.%i:       %Z

mac.W.%t:       SHUT UP, TWINKS!!
mac.I.%u:       %u: det when you escort!
mac.O.%u:       (%i) ogging

key.C:		captain
key.B.0:	base
mac.A.C:	Ack, Captain

# What this does is allows you to send a macro to a player or
# team specified by your mouse location instead of requiring
# a 3rd character to be input.  Also, it allows you to send
# message to yourself without having to actual sit there and
# figure out who you are (they tried and failed back in the '60s).

# Macros without pressing a macro key.

singleMacro:    ^p^h^l

# Various Macros

mac.^p: %v ms ping with %V ms stdv(lag) and %y %% loss really sucks :<
mac.^h: Hi, nice to doosh you.
# Check the load of the machine
mac.^l.!: who;uptime

# Beep Lite and TTS
UseLite:                on

# Some consider blinking ships borgish so turn off all the defaults
DefLite:                off

#lite.taking:   /c/l
#lite.base_ogg: /g/m
#lite.pickup:   /h  %?%S=SB%{/c%}

# I like a big TTS ++ pickup message on my screen and TTS is not borgish
lite.pickup:   /|%p++ @ %l|
# On a base ogg highlite own ship and beep (not borgish at all :)
lite.base_ogg: /m/0/|sync on %p|

lite.taking:	/|%T%c@%b+%a -> %l|	/|help %T%c@%b+%a|

# Let's have some neat formated kill messages
msg.kill: %i (%S) (%T%c%?%a>0%{+%a babes) %>30 doosh%!) %>30 kill %} %?%d>0%{%k%!%} for %u (%r%p) %?%w>0%{%>70%W%!%}
msg.planet:     %i (%S) (%T%c%?%a>0%{+%a armies%!%} %>30 killed by %l (%z)
msg.bomb:       %N %>30 bombed by %i (%S) (%T%c) with %d%% dam
msg.destroy:    %N %>30 destroyed by %i (%T%c)
msg.take:       %N %>30 taken by %i (%T%c)
msg.ghostbust:  %i (%S) (%T%c) %>30 kill %k for the GhostBusters

#  This is the list of windows I've been able to find.  Most you will
#  probably not want to screw around with, but these can be controlled
#  (at least it appears that way in the code...).
# Windows (specify mapped, geometry and parent)
#       DocWin
#       MetaServer List	- Metaserver stuff
#       UDP		- UDP controls
#       count
#       help		- Help window (h)
#       info
#       lagMeter	- The Lag-o-Meter
#       local		- Main fighting window
#       macrow		- Macro Listing (X-?)
#       map		- Galactic map
#       message		- Message sending window
#       motdbutton
#       netrek		- The "main" window (parent)
#       netrek_icon
#       netstat		- Network statistics
#       network
#       option		- The options window
#       pingStats	- Ping statistics window
#       planet		- Planet listing (P)
#       player		- Player list
#       quit		- Quit box on entry
#	fed	        - Team windows on entry
#	rom	        - Team windows on entry
#	kli	        - Team windows on entry
#	ori	        - Team windows on entry
#       rank		- The rank window (U)
#       review		- The munged list of messages from all sources
#       review_all	- Messages to all
#       review_kill	- Kill messages
#       review_phaser	- The phaser damage window
#       review_team	- Messages to your team
#       review_your	- Messages to you
#       scanner
#       sound
#       stats
#       tools
#       tstat		- Dashboard
#       wait
#       waitmotd
#       waitquit
#       war		- War delcarations
#       warn		- Warnings ("forgot your toothbrush",et al)
#       xtrekrcWin
#       xtrekrc_help
# This gives you:
#    name.mapped    (on/off for initial mapping)
#    name.parent    (which window you want this one to be in)
#    name.geometry  (size and location)
#        THE END