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Please Help newbie

 i really need help to compile cow3.0
 Hi i am downloading cow.3.00pl2.tar and i extract it
Now i need to compile it.
I have cygwin g++ and Borland5.0  C++ compiler
 1. i type g++ and i got the following
 main.c:36: config.h: NO such file or directory
main.c:40: '#include' expects "FILENAME" or
 main.c:42:  same message as main.c:40

 i read the cow.doc and it said

COW has the best and easiest to use installation
 procedure a client

 ever had.

 1 *** If you are compiling COW and do not intend to
 release the client

 *** for public distribution with an RSA blessing,
 simply type:


 In case you will need some additional flags for your
 compiler or linker,

 edit the "sample_key.def" file and change the
 corresponding parameters

 at the bottom


 2.So i type make  at the BASH.EXE-2.02$  promt and i
 got the following
 make: /bin/sh: Command not found
 make: *** [] Error 124

 3.CAN you please help me compile the source