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[VANILLA-L:528] Re: bronco server

G'day Eric,

Yes, the RSA source files for the Vanilla Server (which by the way is now at
2.7pl6, not pl3) are not available within the main distribution.  This is due
to those Americans and their pesky classification of RSA as a munition.

The procedure the Vanilla Server team follows is to provide the RSA code as
an encrypted file on the team's FTP server.  Then the instructions say to ask
this distribution list for the key, stating that you are a US citizen. is the official repository
of the Vanilla Server maintenance team, and the code you seek can be found 
encrypted in the src directory.

(Copied to the distribution list)

James Cameron                                    (
Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. A.C.N. 000 446 800