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[VANILLA-L:846] Re: List of bugs/features (INL robot stu

> On Thu, Apr 16, 1998 at 05:21:35PM -0400, wrote:
> > 
> > INL Robot stuff:
> > 
> > There is the problem of players advancing as guest while in INL. Players
> > seem to like the idea of gaining rank quickly while playing clue games..
> Not really a problem.  A dedicated INL server shouldn't allow guest logins
> in the first place.  Likewise in INL-type clue-bot games.

I was unclear with this issue.  The problem wasn't that guests can play
in an INL game (this is another problem).  During the clue games
that I ran, players specificly requested that game stats be generated
at 5X normal rates.  That is, they wanted named players to advance
as if they were a guest.  They apparently liked the current system of
quick rank advancement in the legacy INL server.

The problem is in figuring out how the robot and daemon
should handle stats.  Should one program generate all the stats, or should
the two programs intercommunicate to develop the stats?  This is
the "can of worms" that I believe we both encountered.

> > list, and mandate that INL be set in .sysdef.  That way a server is
> > either a pickup server, or an INL server - never both.
> I didn't like this idea before and I still don't like it now.  It should
> be possible to have all three combinations.

Your three modes seem remarkably similar to my three modes: INL server;
INL pickup; standard pickup..  Perhaps I was being misleading.  I was
referring to not allowing standard INL to be "voted in" during a pickup game.
That is, if INL was "voted in" INL Pickup would start (same as your
"clue-bot" mode?).  The only way to put the server in "real" INL mode
("100% INL Server") would be via gods intervention, or .sysdef setting.

> > Currently, when INL is voted in the robot closes down the pickup
> > queues and opens the INL queues.  However, the INL queues are commented
> > out in the default .ports file. (Thus, it effectively closes all queues.)
> [...]
> On a server dedicated for 100% INL-type games, I think separate ports are
> necessary and preferred.  But in clue-bot games, you can just use the
> existing pickup port.  Give the captains the ability to switch a player's
> team during pre-game or pause.  In mid-game, assign incoming players FIFO
> into the two teams.  Remember that the clue-bot is just that, a clue-type
> game on a pickup server.  If people want real INL games, have them meet on
> a dedicated INL server.

Yes.  I believe we are arguing the same side..  It looks like we just
got lost in each others terminology.  I too believe the robot should
have a clue-bot mode - however, I was calling it INL pickup mode.
I too believe the ports should be separated for "real" INL games, while
using the pickup ports for INL-Pickup games.

>> Players seem to like to see the galaxy as it was won/lost after the
>> game is over.  Currently the INL robot resets the entire galaxy once
>> it detects a game has ended.
>So make the INL robot enter post-game mode where it doesn't reset the
>galaxy for a fixed amount of time (or specifically requested).

Heh, my original message was intended as a list of all known problems with the
robot.  Yes, some of the problems have simple answers.  My intention
wasn't to elicit suggestions, it was to elicit code.  :-)


I'm interested in what work was done on LTD stats.  What statistics make up
the new LTD stats?

 | Kevin O'Connor                     "BTW, IMHO we need a FAQ for      |
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