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[VANILLA-L:864] Possible port of vanilla server to Java

I'm pondering the possibility of porting the vanilla netrek server to
Java. I'm got a copy of Server2.7pl7 up and running here at
Berkeley on FreeBSD, and I'm currently delving into the source to see
about the port to Java. Right now I'm trying to figure out the client
interface (how and what is sent and how often.) Another problem would be
the forking of processes when clients log in. I think using java threads
to handle the connections and keep several around to grab new players
logging in would be a good way to keep thread creation and deletion to a
minimum... I welcome any and all comments about this, except one thing:
I'm not interested in people pounding me for my interest in Java. If I
can't make it work because Java is too slow I'll find that out soon

Charles Morrey

Go Bears

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