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changing the winning conditions for clue games


Check out the "a TAD low" thread on RGN.  I agree with much of what Dan had
to say.

There have been some talk in the past for an alternate scoring mechanism.
Here is my proposal, and I welcome comments.  It is based on previous

Let's try switching to an on-going scoring mechanism used in sports.  At
regular intervals (perhaps every tick), current team point count would
be calculated and added to each team's grand total.  At end-game, whoever
has the highest score (absolute or by a margin) wins.

Here is one possible formula:

team1_points = (team2_army_def - team1_army_def) * 2 + team1_army_surplus.

A team gets one army_def (for deficient army) for each army below 4 on a
planet in team _space_.  A team gets one army_surplus for each army above
4 on planets under team _control_ (i.e. ownership).

For example, if Fed owns Cap@6 in an 11-9 Fed-Rom game and all other planets
are at 4, then:

	rom_army_def = (4 - (-6)) = 10
	fed_army_def = 0
	rom_army_surplus = 0
	fed_army_surplus = 2

	rom_points = (0 - 10) * 2 + 0 = -20
	fed_points = (10 - 0) * 2 + 2 =  22

The final score would be:

	rom_final = (0.5 * total_norm_rom_points) + (0.5 * endgame_rom_points)
	fed_final = (0.5 * total_norm_fed_points) + (0.5 * endgame_fed_points)

This system has some interesting consequences:

1) By giving 50% weight to the end-game point count, last-minute intensity
   is preserved.
2) By giving 50% weight to on-going point count, opening and mid-game
   action is encouraged by giving both teams incentive to be ahead during
   those times.
3) A team can still lose if it were behind all game only to come back
   to 11-8-1 by endgame.
4) Army stashing gives points, but using those armies gives a relatively
   larger number of points.
5) Bombing and reinforcing have more direct influence over game outcome.
6) A friendly planet @4 in enemy space is worth more than @2.
7) Yes, it will change the current accepted strategies.
8) Many, many more observations which I won't list.

Thoughts?  Any obvious problems?
Dave Ahn <>        |  "When you were born, you cried and the
                                     |  world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Virtual Endoscopy Center             |  so that when you die, you will rejoice
Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine |  and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2