On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 10:09:00PM -0600, Yaron wrote:
> Ok, I'm on debian now. It's the only dist that managed to build avifile!
> But it can't build vcr yet. Anyway, my real problem is it won't build the
> kernel.
> I'm trying to build 2.4.2. It actually builds ok when I go "make", but
> "make bzImage" gives this; anyone know what the heck?

With Debian you really should use the kernel-package tools.  You'll
configure the kernel, run `make-kpkg binary-arch` then install the
resulting Debian packages.  It makes everything really simple.

> ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x0 -s -oformat binary bbootsect.o -o bbootsect
> ld: cannot open binary: No such file or directory

You probably have a newer version of binutils where the -o options has
been changed to --o.  This has been discussed and remedied on
