true, novell does not quite belong here, but the union thing is more of your own preference not the lists isnt it? but i suppose that if you have the experience and the exposure to ask for your own salary union would be kindof a hinderance, but for me... but for me without a degree (hell im only 19) most companies would not even talk to me... with a union i have at least a fighting chance... Unions are there to protect the employee when there is a chance that he will get screwed, otherwise they can be a hinderence... yeah Rich said that you found it hilarious that he had a union job... oh yeah and we do have at least one NT/2000 server... > well, you said the 2 worst words you could ever say > in a job posting to > this list.. "novell" and "union" > well.. atleast i'd say they're worse.. atleast you > didn't say "NT" ;) -munir ===== -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT GIT dpu- s:- a19 C++ UL P+ L+(++) E--- W+ N+ w(--) K? O-- M- V- PS+ PE-(--) Y-- PGP-(---) t 5+++ X R tv-- b+++ D++ DI++ G e+ h+() r- y+ UF++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.