On Wed, 2 May 2001 10:53:29 -0500 (CDT) "Colin Kilbane" <colin at tyr.med.umn.edu> wrote: > Which applet on the toobar in genome, (RH 7) allows the windows to be > minimized on to it like windows. Somehow whilst meddeling with it this > function vanished. That applet is called 'Tasklist' (Applets > Utilities > Tasklist) Disappearance of the tasklist was an infamous & annoying bug in older versions of Gnome, but it still shows up once in a while. Mine disappeared as recently as two months ago... Yet another reason that we need a way better & more stable GUI for Linux. Take a look at the QNX Photon GUI - it fits into a meg or two, and is rock-solid, with good function. Why in the world *we* can't have something this slick is beyond my comprehension. Something tells me we are at the mercy of X. Then again, if I'm not willing to write it, I'd better not biatch about it. Sigh. -.bill.layer.- -.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.- -.frogtown.- -.minnesota.- -.u.s.a.-