On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 10:49:00 -0500
Shawn <sfertch at real-time.com> wrote:

> Adduser is the interactive creation process, on Slackware at least. 
> Oh, and Tru64.  What you want to look at is useradd.  Do a man against
> useradd and look at the options.  I did see an option there on -p for
> password, but didn't look into it.  Might be easier than going thru
> webmin.

Here's the syntax you want to follow.  It worked for me on Slack, but the password option didn't work:

root at server:/# useradd -c 'User Name' -d /home/guest9 -g users -m -k /etc/skel -p password -s /bin/bash -u 33499 guest9

Hope that helps to get you going in the right direction.  Again, the password option  didn't work for me, so you'll need to research that.


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