On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Callum Lerwick wrote:

> supported, just as many are not. Annoyingly they all seem to need kernel
> patches, 

what are you talking about? none of the "winmodems" i've come across 
required that the kernel be patched with anything... all of them compiled 
cleanly even against a redhat kernel.

at least one even has a nifty little utility that build a .rpm, .deb, .tgz 
or just installs the module ala make install
(look for the lucent winmodems)

> very few of them are non-binary 
> drivers. Sad state of affairs.

this at least is true...

> Anyone had good/bad experiences with PCI modems on Linux? I want to run
> VOCP (http://VOCPsystem.com/) on an ISA-less box and I can't find any
> mention of PCI modems that work well with it. I have piles and piles of
> controllerless/soft modems but haven't turned up a plain old serial port
> modem yet...

the lucent winmodems, (lt_modem?) worked great for me, and iirc i had a 
rockwell working too and some other kind that i do not recall anymore :/

Munir Nassar

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