On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Nick Scholtes wrote:

> Thanks. You've crushed my hope and ambitions and I know wade through a 
> thick sludge of bitter anguish.
> Wait a minute. You said "99.44% myth."

He probably should have said 99.44% *pure* myth.

> That's . . . . .66% not-myth. So you're sayin' there's a chance!

That's actually 0.56% not-myth, so not as much of a chance.  ;-)

What you were hearing is that if a package (including precompiled 
binaries), was not available, you could download the source code and 
compile it.  That only works if the source code is available to you (and 
is not easy to compile programs if you have never done it!)

But you are interested in running a program where the source code is not 
available to you and you have, probably, precompiled windows binaries. 
For this you need to run Windows within Linux or forget about it.  To run 
Windows within Linux I think you can use VirtualBox for this:


Let us know if that works.
