> So will software compiled for AMD x64 work just as well on Xeon x64?  It
> looked like the Ubuntu web page on 64-bit OS was making no important
> distinction between AMD and Intel.

All of Intel's current main stream 64 bit chips use the same 64 bit
extensions as AMD. Celerorn, Core2, Xeon are all amd64 (or x64,
orx86-64, or EM64T, or....) AMD developed the extended instruction
set, and various Linux distros adopted AMD64 before Intel began
offering it's own 64 bit chips using the x86-64 bit extensions, and
before the industry had adopted a vendor neutral moniker for x86
processors with the 64 bit extensions.

The exception is the Itanium line of processors, which is Intel and
HP's own brand of foot crushing 64 bit computing. (IA-64).

Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://andy.zibnet.us
IT Outhouse Blog Thing | http://www.itouthouse.com